
This week we got the chance to catch up with Nina Chen from TIKKI Studio.

TIKKI Studio is a sewing studio and co-sewing space accessible by the community to encourage the repair, upcycle and sewing of textile goods.

Q: How did TIKKI Studio come about? 

TIKKI Studio (originally called Studio + Machine) was a part of my master thesis research at AALTO University in Finland to address the issue of sustainability in the fashion industry as a fashion designer. There were many ways to tackle this problem but I felt most passionate about addressing the over-consumption of clothes through educating consumers by creating bi-weekly DIY sewing, repair and alterations workshops for the community . Thus, TIKKI Studio was born.

Q: As an entrepreneur, what are the biggest lessons you’ve learnt so far?

That you will never feel "ready” to start anything. So, just START now! Even just with something little, the thing you are the best at, and opportunities will start to line up.

Q: What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule? 

Making TO DO lists and schedule them out on the calendar helps me greatly in keeping me on track and prevents me from unnecessary stress. 

Q: What do you love about this region?

The outdoors, the scenery and the our community. 

Q: What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in?

Spend time learning a little bit about all aspects of running a business. Books, podcasts and talks. 

Network and go out to talk to people about what you are working on. You can get affirmation from others to keep you motivated, and conquer the loneliness one feels when starting a business alone. 

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 

Brush my teeth.  

Q: Can you share with us your company’s current big/or small goal?

Start offering regular (at least 2 a week) Sewing workshops or textile related workshops to get our community sewing and learning. 

Q: Who has been your greatest inspiration?

I actually don't know. I am inspired by many things. However, if it is directed at TIKKI Studio, I would say the maker movement and FAB Labs. 

Q: How has Covid-19 effected your business? (if it has effected you negativley, please add in (if possible!) how you’ve positivly adapted, pivoted or moved with changes you’ve had to make) 

I started this business as a result of Covid-19 and realized that we as a community need to diversify the industry here in Queenstown to keep it alive so we can all still live and work in such a beautiful place.

Q: What is the single best piece of advice you would give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey? 

Remember to take a break and let yourself breath.

Q: Favourite meeting space in the Queenstown Lakes?

At the moment, it is in my studio because it is located in a eclectic spot the no one knew existed, surrounded by gardens and there is tea and coffee, and farm animals.

7 quickfire questions

Q: Name the last film you watched

A: 12 monkeys

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world for 24 hours where would you go?

A: Finland

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: Both

Q: Name a food you could eat for a week straight?

A: Rice

Q: Typing or pen and paper? 

A: Pen and paper

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone who ever walked the earth, who would it be? 

A: Queen Elizabeth II

Q: Being an entrepreneur is?

Exciting, emotional, challenging, creative, uncomfortable, rewarding and  overall a rollercoaster ride. (use as many words as you like) 


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